Traveler Stories


Amy’s Story

I closed my eyes and let the Holy Spirit move over me.

Haiti 2018

Bonjou! My name is Amy Rogers and my first mission trip with Church of the Nativity and The 410 Bridge was to Monarch, Haiti in 2018. This first mission trip was pushing me way far outside my comfort zone, so I tried to lean into trip prep as much as possible and prepare myself physically, mentally and spiritually for this trip. Having never traveled on a mission trip before, I tried to stay open and adaptable during the trip, understanding that things may change as needed, but my team and trip leader would keep us safe. 

I had never experienced extreme poverty like I experienced in Haiti. At this point in my life, I had spent a significant amount of time working with the local poor in Baltimore City and County, but the physical and material poverty Monarch’s community members experienced daily, was not something I was prepared to witness. However, what the community members lacked in physical and material means, they more than made up for it in spiritual wealth. In so many moments God was present and it was clear that faith was a strong glue binding this community together. 

During our trip, we were able to attend mass at the local church. The church was not Catholic, but we participated as best we could given we could not speak the language. I remember being overcome by such a sense of peace, as a warm wind whipped through the open windows and door, lifting up the voices of the community members in song, prayer and worship. A peaceful but powerful humming continued as the congregation continued to pray and worship together in Creole. I closed my eyes and let the Holy Spirit move over me. I still dream of this moment and within my dream, there is so much warmth, joy and light