Traveler Stories

Amy’s Story
God is Good, All the Time, For that is His Nature.
Kenya 2022
Jambo! My name is Amy Rogers and I traveled with the Church of the Nativity and The 410 Bridge to Kiu, Kenya in the Fall of 2022. It had been four years since I had traveled on a global mission trip, when a pull on my heart to travel again surfaced. At this time, Kenya was the only country Nativity was sending travelers to as we were still exploring our partnership in Guatemala. This trip to Kiu, Kenya was the first trip since COVID and we were anxious to see the work the community had done with The 410 Bridge. My expectations changed quite drastically during trip prep, when the original trip team leader had to step back and I was asked to step up into the leader role. I was the only one on the team who had traveled previously with The 410 Bridge and understood their unique mission and model. I had always wanted to lead a mission team, but had never taken the step forward. God knew what was on my heart though and put this opportunity in front of me.
As before I prepared myself and my team physically, mentally and spiritually and leaned into the incredible in-country leadership through The 410 Bridge while in Kiu, Kenya. The trip exceeded my expectations in so many ways and left a beautiful impression on my heart.
My favorite days when in a community are the days we participate in A Day in the Life. We spend a whole day with a family in the community, working alongside them to complete their daily chores and tasks and to make a meal together that we share while there. Along with the family there are always neighbors that wander over, curious to see and learn more about the Americans in their community. The Leadership Community members are also there, assisting with translating and coordination of activities. This is such an impactful day, as it really gives travelers a first hand look at the daily life of community members. From gathering water at the well, to plowing fields to cooking a full meal in a pot over an open fire, I was there for all of it and leaned in fully to completely immerse myself in the experience and let it transform me.
God is Good, All the Time, For that is His Nature. This was on repeat the entire week we were walking alongside the community of Kiu. God was everywhere and in everything the community was doing to become fully sustainable. All of the principles of The 410 Bridge program model put God first and foremost, and it shows in the way they run their businesses, grow their food, raise their families, teach their children and participate in growing churches and church leadership. We ended the week with a safari at Amboseli National Park. This is definitely a treat for the travel team and an opportunity that feels a little misplaced after spending a week in the community, but what a way to see the beauty of God’s glory and majesty within the plains of Africa and the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.