Traveler Stories

John’s Story
The Church is the source of all their joy.
Haiti 2015
Bonjou! My name is John Comberiate and I traveled with the Church of the Nativity to Haiti in 2015. My desire to travel was rooted in wanting to see how people with a completely different way of life still live out the same Christian faith. Impact was seen throughout the trip but for me the most impactful moments were at the start of each school day. The children would line up and sing and dance for us. It was amazingly uplifting and beautiful to watch. In the village we were serving, the church is truly the center of the community. It is where everyone gathers to meet in fellowship and community. It is where everyone gathers to worship and praise and thank God. The firm foundation formed through the faith and relationship with God these community members have, is the source of all their joy.