Traveler Stories

Erin’s Story
All is done for God and through Him
Kenya 2019 and 2023
Jambo! My name is Erin Gustafson and I have traveled with the Church of the Nativity twice to Kiu, Kenya in 2019 and in 2023. The first time I traveled with Nativity I had no expectations as I had no idea what to expect. Before my most recent trip in the Summer of 2023 I too had no expectations as I knew more of what to expect while in country.
My recent trip to Kiu was a little different than past trips to the community. My team was traveling to celebrate Kiu and all the work they have accomplished over our 13 year relationship with them. We spent the majority of our time in Kiu, witnessing the growth they have experienced throughout our relationship with them and where they will be focusing their efforts next. Because Kiu is graduating from the 410 Bridge program, we were also able to visit the new community that the Church of Nativity will be supporting. That community is called Ulu and visiting it for the first time definitely left an impact on me. After coming from Kiu and seeing how far they have come to then visit Ulu and see how far they have to go was eye-opening. There is a lot of opportunity in Ulu and the community leaders are eager to get started, seeing all the success Kiu has had through the 410 Bridge and the Church of the Nativity.
God could be seen everywhere on our trip. He was seen in the eyes of the community members we met. He was seen in their relationships and the way they embraced us. He was seen in their love and support of one another and of their community. All is done for God and through Him and that is very clear within these Kenyan communities.