Timonium, MD

Our beautiful campus is located in the heart of Timonium, Maryland just a 10 minute drive to Baltimore and 1 hour drive to Washington, DC. With a state of the art sanctuary seating 1,500 people and a cafe for fellowship after mass, you’ll want to sit back and stay a while.

Join Us

We would love to see you at one of our weekend Masses.

Children’s programs for kids age 6 weeks through 4th grade are available at all Masses.  Student programs for kids in grades 5th-12th are held on Sunday evenings. Visit the NextGen page for more information.

Our Vision Cafe serving coffee, donuts, bagels & pizza is open after all weekend Masses. 


Weekend Mass

Saturday 5pm

Sunday 9am, 11am and 5:30pm**

**We’re offering our 5:30pm mass in accordance with our student programs. For 2024-2025, you can join us in-person on Sundays at 5:30pm from September 8, 2024 – May 4, 2025.

Daily Mass & Rosary

Rosary at 5:00pm – Every Weekday* – Chapel

Mass at 5:30pm – Every Weekday* – Chapel


Sundays 9am-12pm – Chapel
First Fridays 9am – 5pm – Chapel


Saturdays 12-12:45pm

* Daily Mass & Rosary will be cancelled when Baltimore County Public schools are closed or close early due to inclement weather.

For a detailed schedule of all Daily Mass, Confessions, Holy Days and Adoration events, please visit our events page.

Can’t come in person?

Join us online